January 13.2014
“Your neighbor is another you . . . When neighbors cry, you
must cry with them, and when they laugh, laugh with them . . . Love whoever
appears to you in the present moment of your life. You will discover within
yourself an energy and strength you didn’t know you had.”
These words struck me because you’ve appeared to me in this
present moment, and with this letter, I’ve breached distance and joined you.
Perhaps in reading my greeting, your heart will lift like mine does when I hear
from you. When we experience something wonderful, our immediate impulse is to
share it. You wake your husband in the middle of the night to witness the
northern lights. You call your friend in Colorado to tell them about Ann
Patchett’s newest book. You invite a neighbor to the symphony because they are
fans of the classic guitar and Pepe Romero is performing in concert. We share
these moments hoping that person will experience something wonderful as well.
Besides this beautiful day, I want to tell you that my
precious husband has been granted a new lease on life because of advances in
cardiac care, which tops my list of things to be grateful for. I
celebrate the small condo in Florida where we can escape the bitter cold and I
retain the use of my hands. I’m thrilled that my agent’s talented assistant,
Daniel, helped me obtain a reversion of electronic publishing rights to The
Scent of God. These rights will enable me to make The Scent of God
available in e-book version. Meanwhile, primarily because of your belief and
support, I continue to work on the sequel to The Scent of God. Scent
took ten years to write and, at the snail-like but steady pace I’m working, the
sequel might take just as long. I hope you will hang in there with me and
spread the word when The Scent of God makes it onto Kindle and all the
other e-book platforms out there. I will certainly let you know when both
milestones (the e-book and the publication of the sequel )are accomplished.
Thank you for the joy I get when I think of you. Thank you
for your letters, your e-mails, and all the ways you share your lives
with me. Thank you for the encouragement and strength with which you surround
me. May your lives be similarly blessed.
© Beryl Singleton Bissell 2014
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